Getting Started

Integrate API 247

How to integrate API 247?


  • Step 1: Login to get ClientID and Token according to the login API. Username and Password will be provided as a customer of 247.

  • Step 2: Get the ClientHubID list, which is a list of customer shipping address identifiers (ID). When creating an order for delivery, you must enter the correct identifier (ClientHubID) corresponding to the shipping address of that order.

  • Step 3: Get a list of main services that have been registered by the customer.

  • Step 4: Get a list of value-added services that customers can use.

  • Step 5: To use the order creation API, you must have the following information:

    • ClientID and Token in Step 1.

    • ClientHubId in Step 2.

    • Key services/value-added services in Steps 3 and 4 (if used).

API Information


Marked required fields must be entered. All APIs require a Header with Token and ClientID.

Last updated

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